Research Cell

Aim: Research Cell run with the aim to nurture research culture in the faculties by encouraging research.

Activities of Research Cell: Research Cell organizes seminars/CMEs on Research Methodology in systematic manner.

DateTitle Speaker
06.01.2018Steps of developing a Research Protocol
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Prof. Dr. Ehsamul Azim
06.01.2019Designing Questionnaire – A Research Instrument
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Dr. Sheela Khan
01.01.2020 Abstract: How to write it
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Dr. Shamima Choudhury
16.05.2022 How to write a Research Protocol
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Dr. Sheela Khan
19.08.2022 How to write Research Title, Research Question and Objectives
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Dr. Zeenatul Momena
14.11.2022Variable, Conceptual Framework
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Dr. Umme Honey Israt
09.01.2023 Literature Review
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Dr. Ishrat Jabeen
08.05.2023Methodology in Research
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Dr. Shamima Choudhury
21.08.2023Results in Research Methodology.
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Dr. Sheela Khan
30.10.2023Writing the "Discussion" Section in a Thesis
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Prof. Dr. Abdullah Al Tarique
22.01.2024Limitation, Conclusion, Recommendation, Plagiarism
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Dr. Saiful Islam
04.03.2024Mastering writing of Reference & Bibliography.
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Prof. Dr. Gulshan Akhtar
13.05.2024Ethical Issues In medical research
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Dr. Sanjeela Nahreen Chowdhury &
Dr. Nazlee Rahman

Three (3) days Research Workshop on Research Methodology was arranged for 20 participants from Professor to Lecturer level faculties of Green Life Medical College which was held from 21st to 23rd August 2022. Resource person of the workshop were from both Green Life Medical College and different Medical Colleges & Medical Universities.